
5 Things to Consider Before Voting for Your Next Election Candidate

There is a massive political excitement that has influenced every single person associated with Pakistan. It doesn’t matter if you are living in any other country or if you are somewhere in Pakistan, the higher governmental authorities seem to be in a rush to sort out every single matter in the country.

Believing that some long-running parties are losing their positions will not be right. The upcoming election 2018 will be full of excitement and the political parties will be giving tough times to each other. We can not be sure about which of these candidates will lead the game, until the moments’ actual results will be announced.

Just a few days are left when the clock will alarm the name of the next political establishment on board in Pakistan. However, being the most important part of Pakistan, you are running out of time. Do you have a clear picture in your mind and a clear idea of which party will have your vote on the 25th of July. If not then here are some points that can be helpful in doing your brainstorming and making a decision about what party will get your precious vote.

Understand the Importance of Your Vote:

Every single person who is living in any specific jurisdiction has some rights and some responsibilities. Being a part of Pakistan, you are also liable to play your role in the development of the society. Believing that your vote will not make a change is completely wrong. In a democratic country like Pakistan, the system allows you to choose a person who will be managing the country and taking care of providing you a better life and opportunities. Thus your vote is of great importance it can help the most perfect candidate to win the election and to run the department that is responsible for serving you.

The vote is a hard-earned privilege and you have earned with the struggle of your ancestors and hardships and pain they have been through in giving you a chance to live in a community where you can live free and do what you want to. You must use this hard-earned right to choose the best person to lead you and make your life easier and happier.

Talking specifically about Pakistan, there are dozens of parties who are claiming to be the right leader of the government that will be established in 2018. But are you sure which one is the best eligible for your vote?

If not, then what would be the way you can find the best political view or leadership to have your vote In the discussion ahead we will be discussing the points that you can use as a self-questionnaire to find out which political party is the best to serve you as a leader of the nation.

1. Understanding Different Candidates:

Assessing an individual person is of great importance the leader of a political party is the core of all the actions that a party takes. In the simplest definition, we can say that a political party is a group of people, who have gathered on a platform because they shared similar ideas and priority in serving the community. A person who is leading a specific party should be your concern. You need to find the history and the current plans of the leader and find out what they are going to do in the future if they get elected.

To find which party or the leader is the best, you need to study their manifesto, what philosophies they are carrying and what are their priorities. These things can be witnessed in the pre-election campaigns and their previous performance (in case the party has already been elected or been a part of politics for a long time). Check if the party candidates have fulfilled their commitments or promises that they have made before the previous elections. Are they repeating the same agenda they communicated last time but did not fulfill?

Find answers to what motto they are carrying with them. You can find all these details by reading journals, news and the current statements and goals of a specific political party.

2. Checking the Past Performance of Different Candidates

Don’t just stop on one, explore and study every single candidate that is willing to be a part of the government and find out which one of these many candidates is the most eligible for your vote. You can find information about any party by visiting their social media pages and reading their past election campaign material that you can access by any mean, over the internet, in the past newspapers available online or any such news source. Study and find what different candidates have to offer you, what their priorities are and how they are different from other players in the coming elections.

Be critical, do not be biased. Do not make a decision until you are not clear with the achievements and lacking of every single party and their agendas.

3. What Are the Upcoming Agendas of Participants?

By now you are done with clearing up the picture that sketches the past and the performance of different parties & candidates who are expecting to have your vote in coming elections. You may have come with shortlisted candidates in your sheet. It is now the time to look for what they are holding in present.

In Pakistan, finding out this future agenda is simple. In Pakistan, all the political parties that are willing to take part in elections are supposed to share their 100 days agenda to the government authorities. This 100 days agenda is published and you find all the details on the internet or at any news source. It is the best way to have a clear picture of what different political parties are up to.

Once you have reviewed these priorities of different parties, you will be clear to decide which one is the most suitable for your vote in coming elections. However, there is much more you still need to work on.

4. Who Are the Prominent Members/Leaders of the Party?

As by now you have reached to the two or three political personals who, according to you have a considerable background, acceptable performance, and an appreciative agenda for future working, it’s the time to study those 2-3 parties and find out who is managing or leading the specific party. What is their role and what is their background?

Far before the elections are conducted, each party decides to give tickets to the people who are willing to acquire certain positions in the government. These people are known to the public and can be from the general public. You can find information about them and their popularity over the internet. Social media can be of great help to know what people think, believe or say about the specific person.

5. What is the Current Need of the Country?

You are a part of this country, you have been living here since birth and will be living here till death. You can not deny the fact that you are a part of this system and anything that happens to this system will have an impact on you. Are you willing to ignore what can happen to you or your loved ones while living in this country?

If you are concerned about the well being, security, better living standards and better opportunities for your loved ones and yourself, you need to think and act now.  You may find a candidate who has concerns same as yours and if you find one, you are lucky enough, so cast your vote with confidence.

With the changing political preferences, you can now find that most of the candidates in upcoming elections are highly educated and well-groomed professionals which means that you have the chance to elect a person who can serve you with something that can enlighten your future. With all these precious considerations you can now make a better decision for you and your upcoming generations. Wishing you a good luck for being a healthy part of the community and playing your role efficiently.  

This post was last modified on July 10, 2018 6:25 pm

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