PTCL Introduces Smart Cloud for Business

PTCL Introduces Smart Cloud for Business

PTCL has introduced business solution for corporate, titled PTCL Smart Cloud. It’s a hosted platform where companies can use various services essential to business, with no upfront cost and subscription-based charges. PTCL has gathered some of the most well known Software-as-a-Solution (SaaS) services with track record of great performance and customer satisfaction.

Smart Cloud



Following are some prominent services on offer:

Website Creation: PTCL Smart Cloud allow creation of websites that can also support e-commerce, using Zeendo platform that specialize in clean web designs and templates. These are responsive websites that run on all browsers and have clean interfaces for computers, tablets and smartphones.

Media Sharing: Through Spontania, a media collaboration platform, Smart Cloud will allow subscribers to collaborate in real-time through voice, video and data. It allow teams to stay connected and work without delay in communication, surpassing physical barriers that may affect work.

Smart Storage: Smart Cloud allows online storing of data through NEC Cloud Storing. The data hosting platform is integrated with mobile technologies and has smart cache system for rapid response. Teams can easily save their work and retrieve it from anywhere and on any device.

Email Marketing: Using emBlue Express, Smart Cloud provides step-by-step process to find out ROI (Return on Investment) based on your email marketing campaign.

Patient Records: For medical practitioners Smart Cloud offers iMedicPlus service, a cost-effective platform that stores and manages all information related to patients. Not only records and appointment scheduling, it includes automatic email reminders to patients, patient portal, electronic health record and a separate blog space for relevant news posting.

Data Protection: For safety and data protection, Smart Cloud uses McAfee SaaS Endpoint Protection. The solution provides comprehensive protection, smart firewall to prevent viruses, malwares, identity thefts, data hacks and updates regularly to maintain high protection level.

The services start from as low as $2.9 to as high as $100 per month (yet to be seen when will these services offered in local currency). Looking at the list there seems to be a lot of opportunities to introduce even more variety of services that small and medium enterprises can use, such as a comprehensive email solution. Interested businesses can check the details on the PTCL Smart Cloud signup page that can be found here.

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